1:1 Coaching

The majority of my practice is dedicated to performance coaching.  I work with emerging leaders, executives and the C-Suite. We start our time together, where it’s just you and me.  I’m here to tease out your truth beyond the carefully crafted version of you. You will gain a clear vision on what you have and what you really want, and together we will build a blueprint to bridge the gap between the two. You will be challenged and taken out of your comfort zone. Over a period of days, weeks and months, you’ll identify how best to showcase your strengths and meet your goals faster. The investment in you is worth it! And I’ll be alongside every step of the way!

Coaching engagements are highly personalized. But these are some of the things you can expect on the playlist:
- “ Me In 3” Coaching Blueprint: which helps you tap into your unique vision, values, and strengths so you can go for what you want with greater clarity and confidence.
- Acceleration Assessment: that informs today versus your vision for tomorrow.
- Powerful Self-Activation Techniques: to help get your inner game right.
- Growth Plan: that incorporates mind-shifting frameworks and behavioral techniques that help you activate momentum.

Training & Team Building