Training & Team Building

Each program draws on 30 years of award winning design and delivery experience. From running year long women’s advancement, adaptive leadership and change programs, to heading company-wide Wellness Week, Mobile Month, Product Boot Camp, and digital journalism boot camps for newsrooms. To designing, leading and facilitating bespoke performance, career development and onboarding programs across industries at scale, to launching global education and training efforts for 100k employees to 90-day sales training and leadership acceleration programs for startups.

From management development to team effectiveness, strategic planning to change management, top talent transformation to women’s leadership, coaching coaches to relational agility, a year-long experience to a half day immersion  - every program is customized for your business, culture and team. They are big on action and big on results!

Programs include:
- Blueprint: outlining your objectives, priorities and roadmap. Your compass that will accompany you on your journey in learning new skills and behaviors.
- Success Canvas: incorporating powerful techniques to help you approach each step on the staircase with focus and momentum.
- Game Plan: threading psychometric tools that integrate learning with activation for you and your team.

You will learn the ‘soft’ skills to deliver the hard results. 
